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Conference programme and speakers
Schofield & Oien part one and part two[file too large and therefore broken into two]
Esteller [adapted slightly to fit]
Tothill part one and part two [file too large and therefore broken into two]
Kraemer part one[file too large and therefore broken into two] part two
Shiu (with CUPISCO slides removed)
Tothill [file too large to load]
Reddy N/A
Analysis of prognostic biomarkers in patients with cancer of unknown primary
Conference programme and speakers
Poster Abstracts . The winning poster was Wagland et al, Soton Uni. Second equal: Schroeder et al, German Cancer Research Centre; Gilmore et al, Royal Free Hospital London.
Symons & Greco Introductory remarks
Pavlidis Overview of clinical presentation and treatment
Oien Histopathology
Vajdic Epidemiology
Pavlidis Biology
GriffithsG Phenotypic screening
Greco USA research
Schofield Australia research
Wasan UK research
GriffithsR CUP MDT (Clatterbridge)
Low CUP MDT (CNS perspective)
Caulfield 100K Genomes Project
Greco Controversy
The Seminar Programme and Speakers
Seminar objectives, backgound to CUP. (9 mins) Dr John Symons and Prof Nicholas Pavlidis
Epidemiology. (22 mins) Prof Kari Hemminki
Biology. (15 mins) Prof Nicholas Pavlidis/Dr George Pentheroudakis
Pathology. (27 mins) Dr. Karin Oien
Module 1 Discussion session (41 mins). Chair: Dr Harpreet Wasan
The role of imaging. (35 mins) Dr Ben Taylor
The role of molecular profiling and new diagnostic technologies. (33 mins) Dr Robert Wassman
Natural history, clinicopathological subsets,and prognostic factors . (17 mins) Professor Nicholas Pavlidis
Module 2 Discussion session (21 mins). Chair: Dr Harpreet Wasan
Treating favourable prognosis subsets. (18 Mins) Professor Nicholas Pavlidis
Treating CUP subsets by empirical or by molecular-assay directed treatment. (10 mins) Prof Pavlidis/ Dr George Pentheroudakis
Ongoing clinical trials: CUP-One (UK). (18 mins) Dr Harpreet Wasan & SUPER (Australia) (15 mins). A/Professor Penelope Schofield
Module 3 Discussion session (29 mins)
Existing CUP Guidelines (NICE, NCCN, ESMO); Criticism and perspectives. (43 mins) Dr Richard Osborne/ Dr George Pentheroudakis
Psychosocial aspects facing CUP patients – UK perspective. (22 mins) Dr Carol Davis
Psychosocial aspects facing CUP patients – Australian perspective . (12 mins) A/Professor Penelope Schofield
Module 4 Discussion session (40 mins)
Defining actionable molecular phenotypes for therapy using Next Generation Sequencing. (29 mins) Prof. Andrew Biankin
Personalising cancer medicine – from CUP to site specific cancers and back again. (20 mins) Dr Harpreet Wasan
Module 5 Discussion session (6 mins) [temp link to old website]
Slides of presentations by:
Brooks; Greco; Osborne; Pavlidis; Schofield (molecular biology); Schofield(patient experience); Vajdic; Wagland; Wasan
The findings from the 2009 Conference were published in Annals of Oncology. 2012 Feb;23(2):298-304. Greco FA, Oien K, Erlander M, Osborne R, Varadhachary G, Bridgewater J, Cohen D, Wasan H. Cancer of Unknown Primary: Progress in the Search for Improved and Rapid Diagnosis Leading Toward Superior Patient Outcomes.
Specific presentations transcripts from CUP 2009 are shown below:
Research-Diagnosis_and_Treatment (Bridgewater)