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These pages are for those patients and carers who want to study the CUP phenomenon in detail. It is likely that more use will be made of this section by the medical profession and researchers seeking to find:
“What a brilliant site, it provides a light in the grey world of CUP.”
Chris (CUP patient, UK)
"A valuable patient support organisation that advocates much needed research and change for this neglected group."
Prof. Orest Mulka (former GP)
"The immense relief that I have obtained so far from just reading everyone’s stories on this site is incredible. Up to this point I have felt so very alone as no one could give me any advice, nothing to read, nothing to comfort me as I flounder.."
Susie (CUP patient, Ireland)
"Not only is the website an essential resource but the Foundation has been instrumental in bringing together experts from across the world and encouraging the development of research to improve the outcomes of patients with CUP."
Dr Andrew Fowell (Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine)
"At first I was tired of answering the questions about CUP to friends and some doctors but this website has helped me realize that the world needs to know about us."
CUP patient UK
"Thanks for your help. My family, son is also a doctor, have found it an invaluable resource from day one [of my husband’s CUP diagnosis]."
Gillian (GP)
"This is an excellent resource for patients and relatives. Keep up the good work! "
Dr. David Farrugia (Consultant Medical Oncologist)
"Soon after my diagnosis my daughter contacted you and you were kind and gave her hope."
CUP patient UK
"The information here is the most comprehensive and timely data regarding CUP in the world. In my view this is an invaluable resource."
Dr Tony Greco (Sarah Cannon Cancer Center, USA)
"A fantastic achievement as a resource!!!"
Dr. H Wasan (Consultant and Hon Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology)
"Keep up the good work - you are helping people to cope ... well done."
CUP patient UK
"This site provides much needed and accessible help for CUP patients and their loved ones - I'm very, very impressed."
Nicola James (Macmillan Nurse Consultant)
“...a good balance of accessible information, but not too much to overwhelm the patient/carer.... I’m very impressed and will continue to direct my patients, relatives and colleagues to it."
Dr Simon Grumett, Consultant & Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology
"Your website is such a good way of providing information that empowers the patient/carer."
Anne (former CUP patient)
"Thank God for this forum! I cried when I found it!"
CUP patient UK
"We as a family needed you at the worst time in our lives and found the support for the short time we needed it so helpful."
Family of a deceased CUP patient
"Your site is so great. I have a hard road ahead but feel calmer now that I've started a targeted chemo treatment. I fully understand the importance of your website and help."
CUP patient UK
"CUP is a neglected area. This website is a fantastic resource."
Dr Maurice Slevin (Medical Oncologist)
"I also want to thank you personally for setting up the website and this forum, I feel empowered."
CUP patient UK
"Many congratulations on establishing such a superb website."
Dr Robert H Phillips (Consultant Radiotherapist and Physician in Medical Oncology)
"Many thanks for helping me navigate the cupfoundjo web site. It has much more information than I expected to find and is a very useful resource for cup patients and their families."
Husband of a CUP patient, Wales
"A valuable website that has focused information, clearly explained, for CUP patients, carers and medical professionals."
Allyson Kaye MBE, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Action
"I think your website is excellent, simple and informative."
Miles (a Jo's friends supporter)
"As an oncologist treating numerous patients with CUP I greatly value the work of Jo's friends. I am also very impressed by the Jo's friends website which is a very useful resource for patients, carers and health professionals."
Dr Pavel Bezecny (Medical Oncologist)
"A godsend of a site when you get told they don't know the primary cancer site."
"This is the loneliest diagnosis one can receive. Thank God [for] this website.."
Partner of a CUP patient
"The landscape for CUP patients has changed beyond all recognition compared with 10 years ago… the CUP Foundation has been behind the vast majority of these steps."
Dr Richard Osborne, Lead Clinician for the NICE CUP Guideline