The 2017 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey has been published. This relates to all cancers but is interesting in giving a snapshot of patient perception of NHS care. Key findings of the 2017 NCPES include: • For overall care the 69,072 respondents gave an average rating of 8.80 with 94% of patient giving a rating of 7 or higher. •
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The NHS has reached its 70th birthday. Fearing a declining income, an overwhelming majority of doctors opposed the NHS concept in 1948. Seventy years on, the majority of doctors resist changing the underlying principal of a free service at the point of delivery. Described by a former Chancellor of the Exchequer as ‘the nearest thing that the British have to
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Hainsworth & Greco ask some questions in their latest paper which they go on to answer: (1) Do patients with unknown primary site actually have a primary site? (2) Do CUPs mirror their counterparts that present with overt primary sites in most aspects of tumor biology, even though they differ in the ability to metastasize widely (mechanism unknown) while the
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