Dr William King, Consultant Radiologist, St Mary’s Hospital, Isle of Wight writes: as soon as a radiologist gets a whiff that someone has cancer we shout it from the treetops to the people that matter, not just the person who has sent them for the scan. Following a discussion with an oncologist during the 2016 CUP Peer Review process, that
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One of the commonest discussion threads on the Forum has been about gene expression profiling and I’m carrying forward my response to the latest exchange between patients and carers here in case it is helpful to others. To focus targeted treatment it is not the primary anatomical site itself that is important but the molecular profile of the disease (cancers, even in an
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We welcome contributions to this blog sent to
[email protected] with your name for publication. Opinions, insights, experiences, welcome. We reserve the right to edit or not publish. Jo’s friends cannot comment on specific medical queries. Views expressed here should not be used as a substitute for medical or other professional advice. The Blog replaces the Forum which we have had to
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A conference was held on 6 December 2016 in London primarily for CUP keyworkers run by SBK and supported by the CUP Foundation. Topics included: The role of leadership in optimizing the CUP MDT; a summary of the 2016 external peer review by QST; the role of histopathology and radiology and palliative care in the CUP patient journey; good practice
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An OECD report -covered in the Daily Telegraph of 24/11/16 – identifies that the UK has 2.7 beds per 100,000 people when the EU average is 5.2. Britain has fewer doctors than any country bar Romania and Poland with 2.8 per 1,000 people. The EU average is 3.5. Britain has the third lowest number of MRI scanners with 6-1 per
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