Since we registered as a charity (in England and Wales) in 2007 the CUP environment in the UK has shifted dramatically. Patients have a managed pathway, following the introduction of the NICE CUP Guideline, and each NHS(E) Trust is mandated to have a multi-disciplinary clinical CUP Group. Clinical expertise, coupled with scientific advances (particularly in genomics) is transforming the ability to place patients on a more treatable pathway.
CUP research is at an exciting tipping point. We want to capitalise on the leading-edge CUP research and treatment centred on the Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester, which we believe to be in the best interests of CUP patients. At the end of this year we will transfer our capital and reserves to a ring-fenced CUP Foundation – Jo’s friends account with The Christie Charity.
We will seek no further funding and any funds that are received after 31 December 2023 will be transferred to The Christie Charity account in our name. Our generous donors and event participants over the years have enabled us to contribute significant funds to our charitable objectives and we will publish an impact assessment on the website in due course.
We encourage those wishing to continue to support our work – undertaking activities and raising funds and awareness – to do this for The Christie Charity – specifying that funds raised be directed to the CUP Foundation – Jo’s friends account.